جزر carrot
A carrot is an orange vegetable that grows underground.
قرنبيط cauliflower
Cauliflower is a white vegetable; it is related to broccoli.
خيار cucumber
Cucumber is a cool, crisp vegetable that is good in salad
باذنجان eggplant
An eggplant is a purple vegetable.
خس lettuce
Lettuce is a leafy vegetable that is good in salads
ذرة corn
Corn is a yellow vegetable you can eat on its cob. Corn was grown by Native Anericans for thousands of years before the Europeans settled in North America.
فطر mushroom
Mushrooms are fast-growing, and grow in dark, damp places.
بصل onion
Onions are sharp tasting vegetables.
بازيلاء peas
Peas are small, round vegetables.
فليفلة pepper
A pepper is a sharp-tasting, hollow vegetable. Peppers can be red, green, yellow, and orange.
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